Pandora finally comes to Windows Mobile!

December 18, 2008 by Josh · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Phone PDA 

pandorascreenPandora, one of the coolest iPhone apps and awesome online music streaming service, finally released a Windows Mobile client! The official version only supports the HTC touch and Motorola Q9c but a user on PPCGeeks has cooked up a version of Pandora which runs on any Windows Mobile phone.

The “hacked” version works great on my Samsung i760 as well as many other phones although it has issues displaying correctly on VGA screens.

Other phones which work;

  • Touch(6900)
  • Mogul
  • Apache 6700
  • 700wx(WM5)
  • 800w
  • Diamond
  • Touch Pro
  • Omnia
  • Samsung I760
  • AT&T Tilt

Hit up PPCgeeks for the quirks that some phones have.

I’m currently listening to one of my favorite pandora playlists and can’t wait to spike my data usage with this! The sound quality isn’t as good as on the desktop, or the iPhone if I recall, but it works fine for on the go Music Genome Project listening!

Here’s to the efforts of Pandora and the hope that they roll out a higher quality stream. I’d plunk down some cash for that!

Windows Mobile 6.1 is out for Samsung i760

July 15, 2008 by Josh · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Phone PDA, Tech, Verizon 

Despite missing the end of June deadline leaked on a PowerPoint last month Samsung has made good on its rumored update to the Samsung SCH-i760 on Verizon’s network. The Windows Mobile 6.1 update files are currently available on Samsung’s site for users on Xp or Vista who wish to upgrade.

UPDATE - Mirrored files on Rapidshare if Samsung links go down.

The files were found by Zachman123 on where many users are reporting success in upgrading. Unfortunately some users have had issues leaving 2 bricked phones by my count and a several users reporting the need to run the update twice.

WM 6.1 doesn’t fix all of the bluetooth issues that have plagued the device but does bring threaded SMS and other items noted below as summarized by djlactose @

  1. Bluetooth Pairing is automatic doesn’t ask for a passcode (unless you have a custom on set)
  2. Customer Feedback to send usage data back to microsoft
  3. Getting Started directions added instead of help
  4. Remote Desktop Mobile included by default
  5. Task Manager changes to show CPU usage and it appears to show all running processes not just programs
  6. OneNOte Mobile added to the Office Mobile Programs
  7. Automatic detection of Exchange Server Settings
  8. Overall Performance seems to have improved a bit, a lot less waiting for programs to open (this may just be due to the reset of my device, but I have done the reset before and I could sware it took me longer in the past to reload everything)
  9. Text message threading with Spell Checker
  10. Managed programs added
  11. Bluetooth issue when in call corrected
  12. Domin enrollment
  13. Vpn connections now work without wifi
  14. Wifi search for networks will now list all networks within range
  15. Defalt signicure of Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.
  16. You can switch to view processes in task manger

I installed the update and even though it took 2 computers and a few tries to get the update to run I was able to get it up and running. So far I am enjoying the update even though the changes

Windows XP Codec For Samsung SC-D363 Camera

February 15, 2008 by Josh · 7 Comments
Filed under: Tech 

I just got a Samsung SC-D363 camera and I was bummed to find that Samsung used a non standard codec to record the video to the SD card!  This means in Windows XP you can open up a video file in Windows Media player and you will only get the audio portion of your family Christmas or latest adventure.  I don’t know why companies do this when standards are out there but at least have the decency to provide a codec for download from your site labeled correctly.  Thankfully the codec is available from Samsung labeled as a Vista codec (32bit), but I assure you the XP version is included in the download.


  1. Download the “Vista” XP Codec from Samsung for the SC-D363.
  2. Unzip to a location on your computer.
  3. Double Click the Codec file which installs the XP codec.
  4. ….
  5. Profit Enjoy your movies.

It’d be great if Samsung could use a standard codec or at least label the codec correctly on the support site.

Samsung SCH-i760 Released and On The Way

October 20, 2007 by Josh · 3 Comments
Filed under: Phone PDA, Tech, Verizon 

Friday morning welcomed the release of the Samsung SCH-i760 which I have been coveting for the past year. The Windows Mobile 6 phone includes a 1.3 MP camera and a landscape sliding keyboard. The i760 also packs in Wifi and EVDO into a package just about half as thick as my current i730. You can find out more information about the Samsung SCH-i760 on my resource page.

I ordered mine on Friday morning for $99 plus tax. This is down from the retail price of $519. A two year agreement will drop the price to $399 and if you can use your New Every 2 and the online discount the price is dropped to $199. Take note that some users are having trouble getting the NE2 and Online Discount to combine! If you are a user of Verizon’s data package you can get the ADD discount dropping the phone to $99. You may or may not be able to use the mail in rebate to get your price down to $49 for a Windows Mobile 6 smartphone.

Samsung SCH-i760 on Verizon Wireless

Samsung SCH-i760 gets Dated..Agian

October 7, 2007 by Josh · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Phone PDA, Tech, Verizon 

Well after following the Samsung SCH-i760 scene for 9-10 months now and sitting through so many dates we could be considered a couple, a real date is surfacing in many locations.  At this point it is still a rumor but October 19th looks to be the release date for B2B and internet sales of the SCH-i760.  This date has been kicked around the Samsung i760 rumor thread, which was so long it had to be split into two threads, for the last week.

This has also been supplemented be a posting of more Verizon Phone release dates on the Boy Genius Reports.  The list has the i760 at the bottom slated for October 19th and even includes Verizon’s “iPhone killer” due out November 18th.

If you need to whet your appetite more head over to sixftunda’s blog where he has been covering the 760 in great detail after he picked one up during the early release last month. His postings include reviews, accessories, battery life, and some software information.  I am quite jealous of him.